

How do we still have a sense of certainty in uncertain times?

How can certainty be encouraged within an organisation?


Encouraging certainty within an organisation helps create stability, reduce anxiety, and foster a culture of psychological safety and engagement.  Strategies to promote certainty within an organisation:

  1. Provide regular updates and information about organisational goals, strategies and changes. Clearly communicate expectations, roles, and responsibilities to ensure that employees clearly understand their objectives.
  1. Clearly define organisational goals and priorities.  Breaking these down into actionable steps gives employees a sense of direction and clarity about what and where to focus their time, energy, and efforts.
  2. Provide constructive, specific, and timely feedback to employees regarding their performance. 
  3. Develop a structured framework of processes and procedures for various tasks and operations.
  4. Promote employee development, which increases confidence and provides certainty about career progression.
  5. Encourage employee involvement in decision-making. Seek input, opinions, and ideas when making significant organisational changes or decisions. This increases a sense of ownership and involvement in the organisation’s future.
  6. Provide mentorship and coaching support to help employees navigate challenges, advice and reassurance.
  7. Create a positive work environment where mutual trust, respect, and collaboration are valued. Encourage teamwork, celebrate successes, and promote a sense of camaraderie among employees. When employees feel supported and connected to their colleagues, it creates a sense of belonging.
  8. Leaders can role model behaviours that promote certainty. Demonstrate transparency in decision-making processes, be consistent in actions and communication, and provide stability during times of change.